Installation Of CMCP5300 Series Monitoring System Can Help Extend The Life Of Equipment


Not having a proper machinery vibration monitoring system is the main reason why maintenance staff runs from one disaster to another. Thus, with the installation of CMCP5300 Series Monitoring System- machines are measured with method involving vibration analysis, which don’t require tearing a machine down to find out its condition.
Unfortunate mishaps, daily emergencies and a shrinking labor force make it difficult to keep equipment running effectively. It is machinery vibration screening that is employed to triage the health of assets; diagnose the identified asset; perform the right action at the right time.
If you want to install the best CMCP5300 Series Monitoring System- contact STI Vibration Monitoring Inc. We provide completely packaged and in stock Machinery Vibration Monitoring Systems in 1, 2 and 4 channel systems. It is perfect for cooling towers, motors, turbines, and pump vibration monitoring. Also, custom configurations with any channel count can be assembled to your exact needs and requirements.
Specifications related to CMCP5300 Series Monitoring System are aforementioned:
It is designed to be used on typical rotating machinery: The CMCP5300 Series Monitoring Systems are one, two, four and six channel Vibration Monitors that have been designed for use on typical rotating machinery such as motors, pumps, fans, turbines.
It accepts inputs from any industry standard: The CMCP5300 Series accept inputs from any industry standard 100mV/g accelerometer, and provides a digital display along with alarm status indication.
It offers a complete vibration protection solution: The alarm contacts for the OK circuit, alert and danger maybe interfaced to machine control and shutdown systems for a complete vibration protection solution.
Are you looking for CMCP5300 Series Monitoring System? Count on us. Our CMCP5300 Series Monitoring System come standard along with STI’s CMCP530A-100A-02R but is also available with any other CMCP500 Series Monitors. To get any other CMCP500 Series Monitors, please contact us to specify the desired model number. The enclosure is available in NEMA 4X Fiberglass, NEMA 4 Painted Steel and NEMA 4X Stainless Steel.
Contact Details:
STI Vibration Monitoring Inc.
Address: 1010 East Main Street
League City, Texas 77573
Phone: 281.334.0766
FAX: 281.334.4255
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