Now get all on 4 PA Implants & smile your way to good life


At Dental Implant & Periodontal Surgeons, P.C. you will get all solutions to end your dental problems such as wearing removable dentures. All on four dental implants are a way to smile your way to good life. Patients who wish to end the problems can visit the team at Dr. Sam Khoury’s clinic and ask for consultation before going for any type of dental procedure rather than continuing with the use of removable dentures.

Today implants play a greater role than just filling in a missing tooth. Now you can have a whole set of implants so that you will not have to wear those uncomfortable devices every day. It is just like having a regular complete set of teeth. All on 4 PA implants are stronger, tougher and safer than false teeth.

People put up with dentures or even loose dentures and face embarrassing situations when they speak, this can be troublesome if does not fit well. It can be either too tight or too loose. You can even sustain injuries from a tight-fitting denture or the hook parts of the device. Dentures at times when ill fitted can lead to gum bleeding and inflammation. They can also weaken your remaining teeth after prolonged use.

With all on Four PA denture implants, at Dental Implant & Periodontal Surgeons, P.C. your new teeth will be attached permanently on four dental implants. Ample advantages of going for this procedure include minimal recovery time. Moreover the team at Dr. Sam Khoury will assure that all on 4 implants will stabilize the bone levels of your jaw. If atrophy causes you to develop an overbite having these denture implants can fix this problem and restore your facial structure.

What is wonderful about the all on 4 implants is that the results of this procedure can last a lifetime. It is a great investment and you will need minor check-ups after having them installed.

Dr. Sam Khoury is a specialist and provides wisdom tooth removal, dental implants and gum disease remedy as his specialized treatments. Dental Implant & Periodontal Surgeons, P.C. are considered excellent periodontists with best restorative option for tooth loss and related issues. They offer dental implants as a major treatment for comfort and feel and functions like that of natural teeth.

About Dr. Sam Khoury:

Dr. Sam Khoury is a top Periodontist and specialist for Oral Surgery having Board Certification by the American Board of Periodontology. Dr. Khoury has extensive training in the field of cosmetic dental work and serves in Yardley PA areas. He is dedicated to patient satisfaction and the skillfulness of a beautiful smile.