Some facts about WordPress for Creating Memberships Websites


WordPress is the first content management system I learned. Way back in 2007, I was tasked with creating a custom WordPress blog theme to mimic the company’s main website (which was not built on WordPress). So I dove in with both feet and created a theme design that some at the company thought actually looked better than the main website.

That was how I got my feet wet with WordPress development (I’d been blogging with WordPress for a few months before that, and doing some design and dev for a few years). In all the years since, I’ve never found a CMS I liked working with more than WordPress.

There are Some Really High Profile Brands Using WordPress

So many sites you’d recognize use WordPress. CNN’s blogs are built on WordPress, as are Reuters’, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. Mashable, The Next Web, and The New Yorker are also all built on WordPress.

Other notable brands using WordPress include People Magazine, The Rolling Stones, Vogue, MTV News, Facebook (for their Newsroom), Harvard Business Review, and NASA, among lots of others.

Plugins Let You Add a TON of Functions to WordPress Without Coding

WordPress lets you extend what it can do through the use of plugins. There are both free and paid plugins out there that can do virtually anything you might want to without the need to write code from scratch.
Right now, there are over 45,000 free plugins in the official WordPress directory. That doesn’t include all the premium plugins that can add even more functionality to your sites.

WordPress Can be Used for Intranet Sites, Too

There are thousands of plugins out there that can extend WordPress’s functionality, but what a lot of people don’t realize is that some of those plugins are perfect for back-end functionality that companies need.

You Can Use it For Any Membership Sites

It’s easy to set up a members-only site with WordPress plugins. There are dozens of members-only site plugins available, some free and some paid.

You can use these membership plugins to create site with premium content, gated online communities, and more. Use them to create paid or free membership sites.

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