International Yoga Day Celebrated at Arhanta Yoga Ashram


Every year International Yoga Day is celebrated on Jun 21, 2020. Yoga plays a vital role in enhancing physical and mental health. At Arhanta Yoga Ashrams located in India and Netherlands celebrated the Yoga day with its students and trained professionals maintaining the Social distancing and other necessary rules to protect from Covid-19.
This year International Day of Yoga is mainly focused on “Yoga at Home & Yoga with Family” on account of pandemic Covid-19 affecting the world. Yoga helps to boost immune system and gives lots of positive energy to face such pandemic time. It’s an invaluable gift that connects inner soul, world and nature.
Motive of celebrating Yoga day is to make every individual aware of the importance of Yoga and the significance of it towards one’s own body. It’s very important now during this pandemic season to stay healthy and less stressful.
CEO Ram Jain said that “In its practice, yoga is about the union of the Self with reality, which can be also defined as self-realization. Yoga is the journey to realize our reality and become free from the illusion created by the material world around (Maya).
Yoga is the journey from complete ignorance to complete enlightenment. Thus, the ultimate goal is self-realization through the removal of the illusionary ego.
At Arhanta Yoga Ashrams, International Yoga Day was celebrated on June 21st, 2020. Students enjoyed the day. Participants were made aware of the benefits of Yoga and the theme of this year “Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family” maintaining social distancing and other rules. Online yoga classes will be a real boon during these days as social distancing is followed in many countries.
Every people should understand how yoga will help to create a healthy and active world. Together create a healthy world with the help of yoga and aim at a disease-free world.”