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Wondering what you can do to protect your body during this state of pandemonium? We’ve got you covered. It goes without saying that you should always be striving to live a healthy lifestyle, regardless if a pandemic is occurring or not.

Be open-minded when receiving nutrition advice from medical experts and nutritionists. Companies like GOLO that center their branding around nutrition advice and the usage of diet and supplements recommend that you defer to medical experts for catered advice and guidance.

This is especially true when trying to adhere to the health guidelines that are being imposed by the CDC, WHO, and local doctors. Follow the rules and procedures that are being enforced by these federal and state organizations.

With that being said, it’s still important to understand what measures need to be taken to protect yourself throughout the entirety of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re going to be looking over a variety of tips and tricks that you can apply within your lifestyle so that you can stay safe during these pressing times.

Protecting Yourself at your Place of Work

One of the best ways to adhere to the imposed health guidelines is to ensure your safety in the environment in which you work.

This advice is especially prevalent for essential workers like grocery store workers, healthcare workers, first responders, and others, that fall into the mix. Nutrition advice and diet and supplement advice aside, their well-being as a whole is significantly important.

In regards to healthcare workers, especially for those who oversee the screenings for COVID testing, it’s imperative to go about this in the safest way possible. This is important to reduce the likelihood of you contracting the virus.

Many hospitals have people call ahead in order to gauge the severity of their situation. This helps determine the kind of care they will need and how it will best serve them.

When patients need to be admitted to these hospitals, it’s on the hospital staff to oversee the protective measures. This is needed for the sake of the healthcare workers and for other patients residing in the facility, who haven’t contracted the virus.

N95 masks, surgical gowns, socially distant measures, and other steps are required in caring for a COVID-19 patient.

Washing your Hands

Following a strict diet and supplement regime and following health guidelines is good, but keeping your hygiene in check is very important as well.

Washing our hands has always been pivotal in maintaining good hygiene, but it’s even more important for times like these when a respiratory virus is running rampant across the globe.

If people are working diligently to abide by these hygiene protocols, then they are mitigating the risk factor of exposing themselves to the virus. This goes a long way and everyone needs to be on the same page about this in order for it to work.

Regularly Changing your Clothes

It’s become commonplace for physicians, nurses, and other health professionals to change their clothes immediately before going into their homes as an added layer of protection.

When you get home from work, wash your hands, and change your clothes immediately, especially if you live at home with others. This will mitigate the risk of exposure while promoting a clean environment for everyone to relish in.

Being with your Family

Another factor to bear in mind is staying with your loved ones as often as you can. If you’re all occupying the same dwelling, you all should be on the same page of how you’re going to spend your time when in and out of your house.

It’s a form of courtesy that many families strictly abide by, some may need a little more coaxing than others, but as long as some common ground is found, this is what matters the most. We are all in this together and it needs to stay that way.

No one wants to willingly put one of their loved ones at risk, so just do your best to control this as much as you can.

Social Distancing and Socializing

We know. The most difficult thing over these last 3-4 months of pandemonium has been draining for both our physical and mental health. As humans, many of us are inherently social butterflies and we thrive in the scenarios where we can break bread with others while congregating over joyous occasions. It’s okay to be frustrated but rest assured, things will go back to normal very soon.

Until then, it’s important to comply with social distancing guidelines in order to curb the spread of this deadly virus. Restaurants, grocery stores, and other businesses have redesigned their stores in order to comply with the social distancing standards.

From mask enforcement, installing plexiglass, having one-way signs for every aisle in a grocery store, the list goes on and it’s up to us to be respectful of the new rules that are in place.

Don’t think of the social distancing guidelines for your safety alone, think of all of the other people that are in the risk group who need you to be socially distant for their sake. Nursing home residents, those with immune disorders, and so on and so forth.

Wearing a Mask

Last, but certainly not least, wearing a face mask is what is required for the foreseeable future. Everywhere you go publicly from the employees to the patrons, they all require you to wear these face shieldings for their protection. COVID is a respiratory illness that can penetrate into your system from any open points of entry in your body.

As uncomfortable as the masks can be, it’s a necessity to wear them until we are told otherwise. While restrictions are loosening and businesses are opening back up, make sure you speak with whoever is in charge in order to understand when you should wear the mask and when you’re able to remove it from your face.

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