loan and credit card


O3 Capital Nigeria Limited is a financial service institution that offers various consumer loans using the CREDIT CARD as its delivery channel.

O3 Capital is the first non-bank card issuer in Nigeria and aims to become the preferred credit card issuer in the long-term.

The strategic thrust of the company is to issue Naira denominated cards; both credit and prepaid to the Nigerian market. This objective correlates to that of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Financial System strategy 2020, to create a “cashless Nigeria”.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) introduced a policy on cash-based transactions in on July 01, 2014. The policy aimed to reduce the amount of physical cash circulating in the economy and encourage more electronic-based transactions

Taking advantage of the CBN initiative and the demand for micro-credit facilities by the growing middle income demography of the Nigerian working population,

O3 Capital has developed its product to cater to the fast growing credit card market and seeks to cultivate the culture of credit card usage in Nigeria.

The cards are run on the existing Interswitch network which interconnects over 90% of the Nigerian financial sphere i.e. ATMs, POS and banks nationwide. The cards are available to only employees of selected companies and institutions with their salary accounts linked for the minimum monthly repayment via direct debit. The Nigerian Inter Bank Settlement Scheme [NIBSS] provides the platform for the direct debit operations.

The enterprise is supported by an ultramodern Card Management System provided by Bevertec CST , Canada.
O3 Capital heavily leverages technology, hence keeping its operating costs low and as such shall be able to manage a large customer base and enhance customer profitability. The Company’s processes are standardized and in line with international best practice given the strong strategic technical partnerships in place.

Risk Management
Our selection process is extremely thorough with a high level KYC scrutiny in line with our philosophy of “Right Customer Low Risk”. The IT infrastructure is integrated with the existing credit bureaus which enables an automated credit history review of each applicant. The card management system has a predictable risk management and anti-fraud solution.

Contact Us
For more detail – inquire us at 07006322737 or 012777630
Email Us at


18, Jerry Iriabe Street,
Lekki Phase One,

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