Hospital Worker in a Covid 19 environment Seeking Donation to have a place to stay


Corey Turner is working at the local hospital in the laundry department. He is asking for donations because his house where he lived for many years, is going to be sold by the landlord, which means he will be homeless.

Corey Turner works for the local hospital in the laundry department. He is now facing a financial problem in which he needs a new place to live. His home, where he lived for many years, is going to be sold by the landlord. This will force him homeless if he doesn’t find a new place to live.

“My landlord is selling her home, which means I will be out and forced to live on the street. I have some time to work with, but not much. I need to find a new place to live, but I need money to do that. Any help you can give will keep me from being homeless.” said Turner.

Working at a hospital in the laundry department is a scary place to work now because he deals with all of the infected clothes. COVID-19 pandemic and the possibility of contracting it in work is a concern for people working at the hospital now. Even there are many possibilities of getting sick from something.

Turner explained his financial situation now, “It isn’t an ideal situation, but my job is more than many people have, and it helps me pay my bills.”

Turner fundraising page is available at His donation goal of $5,000 has already got $50. His $5,000 goal will help him to pay a down payment for a new place plus pay rent. “All the amount of donation means a lot to me, I appreciate your help,” said Corey Turner.

About Gofundme

Gofundme is an American crowdfunding platform. It allows people to raise money or donation for events, such as celebrations and graduations to challenging conditions like accidents and illnesses.

About Corey Turner

Corey Turner is a hospital worker who is struggling with his financial condition, which makes him start seeking donations at Gofundme. For more information about Corey Turner’s Gofundme page, please visit or contact him at 7313434968.


Corey Turner

Address: 63a Montclair Drive Jackson, TN 38301

Phone: 7313434968