Best online billing software


Online TimeStatement is an invoicing and time tracking software that is characterized by user-friendly reports.

You can start right away without installation and bill your work hours and expenses with just one click.
Start today for free for an unlimited time: (the solution is free of charge for 1 user and 2 active projects)

You have no system maintenance, because as a SaaS solution regular updates and backups are carried out free of charge.

You should focus on your core business to make more profit and not waste time on administrative tasks.

QR-bill – soon it starts:
For Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Online TimeStatement helps you to master the start of the QR-bill automatically and easily.

To help in the corona virus situation: For 3 months you get the premium version of the TimeStatement time tracking solution without costs and restrictions! How ? All new customers who register with TimeStatement AG by June 30, 2020 (rma (at) will receive TimeStatement in full for 3 months free of charge and without obligation.

Most founders and startups know that accounting is important. But it is not a favorite topic. TimeStatement makes it easy and you save a lot of time thanks to the interfaces to online accounting.

Use an escrow service as support. Should trustees be afraid of digitization? No, if you and your customers use suitable digital solutions.

There are many ways to manage your time well, but some of the options are out of date because they are not related to digitization and therefore not really related to current day-to-day work. Everything can be digitized in offices today. Nevertheless, many companies continue to rely on slip management

No entrepreneur likes duplication. Especially not if they are available in the administration. Until now, the created invoices had to be recorded separately in the accounting department. Now you save a lot of time thanks to the interfaces to the accounting software.

With Digital TimeStatement you record working hours and expenses, create professional invoices with one click or send meaningful reports. It is extremely easy to work as a team on joint projects and book the time.

TimeStatement is an innovative time tracking application without system maintenance accessible from anywhere on the Internet. Or you can work with the app in offline mode.

This online solution was developed from the ground up for flexibility. It supports multiple currencies, languages and formatting settings per customer and country. Successful business models, Swiss made!

Get started without installation. We are always available to answer your questions.

We look forward to welcoming you as a user. The solution is also suitable for tax consultants – the self-employed – craftsmen – small business owners.

TimeStatement AG – Time Management / Time Tracking / Invoicing
Bahnhofstrasse 9
6340 Baar – Switzerland
Telephone: +41 41 500 77 90
sales (at)