Points to Building a Woocommerce Membership Site


If you’ve ever tried to build a membership site with WordPress, you’re probably already aware of some of the difficulties that this can entail. Thankfully though, there’s a new choice on the market and it makes creating membership sites considerably easier. It’s called WooCommerce Memberships and it’s from the good folk over at WooThemes.

When looking around for Membership plugins, you’ll find a heap of options out there. Some better than others. For Example : Paid Memberships Pro.

Each of these options have their own benefits and like anything, it’s always a wise idea to compare the offerings before choosing the one that’s right for you.

Things to consider

There’s a number of things you need to consider when creating a membership site..

Is it easy to setup?

This pretty much speaks for itself. No-one wants a system that is difficult to set up or difficult to use. The more complicated your site is to use, the less likely you are to look after it properly.

Can it do prorated charges?

When you change or pause subscriptions part-way through your billing cycle, partial charges may occur since your recurring charges will need to be adjusted.

Does it allow for Content Dripping?

Content Dripping is the delivery of content over time. Rather than providing your members with all your subscription content as soon as they sign up, it’s sometimes beneficial to delay content delivery over a set schedule.

Does it have support for eCommerce?

Selling products goes hand in hand with membership sites. Whether you’re selling theme or plugins, or the occasional eBook. You want your memberhsip site to be able to integrate with an eCommerce system. Your members will thank-you when they only require one login to your site, rather than one for your memberhsip content and a separate login for your eCommerce site.

Can it handle upsells and downsells?

Upsells and downsells is the ability to entice your customers onto other plans, be that higher or even lower plans.

Is it well supported?

If you have any issues with your membership plugin, it’s comforting to know that you can get support. Paid plugins are typically well supported but even with them, some have better support than others.

We Provide top notch solutions in WordPress. Contact us for Custom WordPress Membership Services !!