Lucky To Go poised to be Kelowna’s first ride-share company


Folks out enjoying Canada Day festivities this year in Kelowna will have a new option for a safe ride home.

Ride-share company Lucky To Go has announced its intent to launch services in the Okanagan’s largest city on July 1.

The company is hosting a driver orientation session on Saturday, June 20 at Ramada Conference room where it’s anticipating as many as 40 drivers to enroll.

Company founders also intend to meet with Mayor Colin Basran, Kelowna International Airport and other local businesses over the weekend.

Lucky To Go received its license from the BC Transportation Board on April 22 and is also working partnership with the BC Taxi Association.

Prospective drivers will be required to hold a Class 4 drivers license, a four-door vehicle less than nine years old and complete a criminal record check.

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