Flite rekindles a lost emotion in their new #RishtoKiFlite campaign


17th June:, New delhi: In today’s uncertain times, where nothing seems to be too sure, a new digital film by Flite has brought to fore an emotional rediscovery of family bonding, that infuses a fresh breath of hope and a smile in us.

The digital video campaign #RishtoKiFlite showcases how this unexpected change has uncovered some surprisingly soothing emotions – people have rediscovered their family ties which had got brushed under the busy routines of daily life.

Expressing his thoughts on this, Gaurav Dua, Executive Director (Sales & Marketing), Relaxo Footwears Limited said, “The lockdown period has forced us to slow down our usually hectic pace and obverse the small blessings around us that have always been taken for granted and most often, ignored. This pandemic has taught us to savour the little joys of family life that are the true gems to be treasured. Flite attempts to draw the customers into this realm of positivity with this film”.

The value of having time with loved ones is unprecedented and can never be traded for anything else. Share your family stories with Flite by using #RishtonKiFlite on all social media platforms and don’t forget to tag Flite on @FliteFootwear.

As brand FLITE unveils its refreshed new logo, it brings to fore this very emotion in a short film, ‘Riston Ki Flite’, live on
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Youtube : www.youtube.com/relaxoindia