Congressman Kevin McCarthy opened the Southern California Defense Virtual Contracting Summit


Congressman Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, provided the opening presentation at the Southern California Defense Contracting Virtual Summit, organized by the Defense Leadership Forum (DLF) on June 15, 2020.

The free unique “virtual” event featured key commanders, contracting officials, and small business directors from military bases in Southern California providing presentations on military mission and contracting priorities. More than 400 military, government, business, and community leaders participated in the virtual “Chat Room” as well as a Q&A Room, where participants asked the presenters questions.

The Summit also featured a Virtual Exhibit Hall, featuring the virtual exhibits of military bases as well as a variety of companies interested in doing business with the military.

The Defense Leadership Forum is a public service organization bringing together Congressional leaders, Pentagon officials, military base commanders, military contracting officials, and business representatives to identify the best solutions to defend the United States. See: