The Binary Book Scam extorted millions from many naive investors and scammed them


Under a continuous spike inside the number of fake binary cases inside the financial world, we advise a person to stay risk-free, secure and never ever invest a lot of money to be able to a particular broker without actually verifying who it is. Binary Book Scam is something that needs to be spoken about right now. Trying to the fact and duping men and women on the similar lines as the particular way, pretty much similar to the previous ones. Following a thorough investigation, we found out there that the company has literally duped hundreds of investors together with millions of bucks up to now.

One of the most prominent things about the Binary Book Scam is the way it was dealt wiith was the high deposit amounts that it exhibited. High returns have been promised but these kinds of high returns any time it comes in order to binary trading will be simply not achievable at all. We were indeed convinced that it was a scam. We found out there that it presented five different varieties of accounts, each of which needed a minimum deposit of $1000. The worst part had been that the features of the account sorts were not described on the website, which evidently was against the rules in the trade since Binary Account deposits usually begin from $10 for most legit binary option sites.

Back in 2017, Lee Elbaz, the CEO of Yukom, was arrested by the US FBI for wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. If you don’t know what Yukom is, it is the parent company of BinaryBook and Big Option.
BigOption has already been said established as a scam and we are pretty sure that Binary Book is following the same footsteps as well.

There is also an FPA Traders Court guilty vote against this company. The FPA recommends a high level of caution dealing with Binary Book unless this issue can be resolved. Binary Book has also been added to the CFTC’s RED list for illegally soliciting U.S. Residents, clearly signifying the fact that there are reasons why it ended up being a fraudulent service.

Binary Book Scam was also captured red-handed by us all due to the reality that there had been plagiarized educational substance and plagiarised About Us page about their website. Actually the words in addition to conditions page that will the binary book website had been something that had been fake. After this many trials and errors, we determined to finally determine that binary book scam is a thing that is soon likely to unfold and because a result, one should not trade any sort of funds with typically the trader.

Also, according to certain testers from various binary forums, the company offered a lot of private data as to when they signed up for the company, these people started getting a new lot of junk e-mail emails from various binary sites around the world. This is plainly indicative of the particular fact that they will sell private data for a cost, which is clearly against the rules and regulations of a financial setup.

About First Option Recovery

First Option Recovery is the numero uno choice when it comes to fund recoveries across the globe. They have the best in class attorneys and legal advisors who help them solve financial frauds on a daily basis. They have recovered over $19 million so far with over a decade in service. Owing to the team of 128+ attorneys, lawyers and banking experts, they have been the forefront of the fund recovery industry since the time of its inception. They have a success rate of over 90% and with such finesse and perfection, they can well be the best fund recovery group not just in the United States alone, but all over the world, it seems. Do contact them to know more about the services that they offer.