“Nourish Mind, Body and Soul to have a happy balanced life with sustained growth” said by Life Healer Mrs. Sarika Dhawan, Life Coach, Healer & Tarot Card Reader at IIF Webinar on 12th June,2020


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 42nd IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” by Mrs. Sarika Dhawan (INDIA), Certified Energy Healer, Body Psychotherapist & Life Coach, Tarot Card Reader, Numerologist & Reiki Healer, Winner of Savvy Excellence Award 2017. The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance (www.iif.edu) and Executive Editor, Finance India (www.financeindia.org). The Webinar was attended by over 69 global participants from USA, Germany, Uzbekistan, UAE, Spain, South Africa, Ethiopia, India and others.

Mrs. Dhawan said that happiness comes from our inner peace, so we should focus on ourselves instead of what others think for us. Growth is not the only evidence of life instead it depends upon the people to people what they think and perceive towards their life. Whether we are child or adult, we should take time to work on ourselves which gives us a sense of satisfaction, it helps us to grow in life feels Mrs. Dhawan.

According to her, we should take care of the body and soul at the same time by meditation and being aligned with our thoughts, because it is important to keep a balance between these to grow further. Life is not constant and not predictable but we can control our mind and thought to perform better in life emphasized Mrs. Sarika Dhawan. We should welcome all thoughts negative or positive. But we must learn that it is okay to have such thoughts, however not good to be stuck in a single emotion like sadness or anger etc. because it hurts a lot.

Parents should motivate, promote and encourage their children to do what they like to do; one should not judge them on the basis of peer’s comparison. Parents must spend time and help guide their children, as is the Indian philosophy. To try to change the mindset from negative to positive, it is not difficult but one must work it via meditation, self introspection, soul consciousness and spirituality. This will help one to work more energetically in a different way and to be happy in life said Mrs. Dhawan.

Large number of Questions from amongst over 69 participants from Zoom Live; FaceBook Live and Youtube LIVE were asked by participants from UAE, Spain, Chennai, Orissa, Meghalya and others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.