NJLA announces online programs for Japanese Language Training


NEC Japanese Language Academy (NJLA) is the language and inter-cultural training arm of NEC Technologies India (NEC India). NJLA has received widespread interest since it started offering courses online in March 2020 to facilitate eager learners across India whose movements are restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To address the increased demand from Indians who are eager to pick up new skills, NJLA will be opening up additional online programs from July later this year.

NJLA will introduce two online programs: the Regular and Refresher course. The regular course will cover Beginner (JLPT N5) to Advance (JLPTI N1) levels and each level can be completed in 5-6 months. The Refresher course is offered to students who need additional practice on particular topics or have missed their lessons due to the lockdown.

Each training session will be delivered through online platforms including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, among others. Each session consists of a variety of activities, including workshops, brainstorming sessions, presentations and interactive discussions to ensure a better learning experience.

Students will be able to explore various avenues in the field of Japanese language through NJLA’s specialized Trainings, Employment Opportunities and Placement Support system upon completion of the course.

Commenting on the occasion, Deepti Kaur, Associate General Manager, NEC India, said, “Proficiency in Japanese language offers a great opportunity to aspirants at all levels in India and Japan. NJLA has helped over 3000 fresh graduates as well as working professionals with opportunities around the world. With these online classes, we want to offer a seamless learning experience to more people during this period of uncertainty so that they are able to learn from anywhere. This would also help students from Tier-1 and Tier-2 develop and gain niche skills and receive career opportunities.”

Detailed information on the course structure and fees can be found on NJLA Website here: https://njla.in.nec.com/