Paid Memberships Pro: An Easy To Use and Fully Loaded Membership Plugin


Starting a membership website is one of the best online business ideas out there. It gives you the flexibility to earn recurring income, the freedom to create as much or as little content as you want, and your loyal readers and customers will love it. In fact, membership websites are a great way to reward those that have been with you since the beginning.
With the WordPress CMS, launching a membership site is easy.

There are plenty of WordPress membership plugins to choose from, ranging in price and features, and there are just as many resources out there to help you become successful once your membership site goes live.

That’s why today we’re going to take a look at the WordPress membership plugin, Paid Memberships Pro, its best features, and whether it might be a good choice for you or not.

Paid Memberships Pro is a WordPress membership plugin designed to help you add a new source of revenue to your WordPress site.
People who use Paid Memberships Pro can manage thousands of members, sell digital courses, accept subscriptions for video content, create private social communities, develop directories or listings, offer product subscriptions, and even give out member-only discounts to generate revenue.

The free version of this plugin comes with plenty of basic features to get your membership site started, but we want to share with you all the goodies so we are going to focus on the premium version that comes with features like:

Unlimited membership levels with flexible pricing and trials

6 built-in payment gateways (e.g., Stripe,, and PayPal)

Content restriction capability

Detailed reports for making better data-driven decisions

A thriving community found in the member forum

Customizable advertising (enable/disable for members)

Email notifications for welcoming new members, invoicing, and more

100% GPL = unlimited site use

SEO optimization settings to configure how your site appears in search results to non-members

Of course, this is just the beginning. Paid Memberships Pro has a lot to offer website owners.

Contact us for More Membership Website Services !!