The Ear Depot- Hearing Aid Professionals in Ontario


The Ear Depot is one of the most reputed hearing aid practitioners in Ontario. The clinic has been helping people with hearing loss concerns, hearing aids and treatments for over 35 years. They are spread across Ontario in Barry’s Bay, Bancroft, Peterborough and Marmora. If you’re looking for the best, The Ear Depot is your solution and they have the Consumer’s Choice Award for the category of hearing services to prove their expertise and reliability.

Here are some of the services offered by The Ear Depot:

Hearing Test
Hearing loss can occur due to different reasons and sometimes due to other severe underlying issues, which is why one must get their hearing tested. It must hold the same importance as annual health checkups do for hearing loss and issues is not limited to any age group. It’s not just for old people. The Ear Deport professionals will help attain the right treatment and reaching out to them does not require a doctor’s referral.

Hearing Aids
The Ear Depot makes sure that you are equipped with the best hearing aid after diagnosing your hearing issue depending on your budget, level of hearing loss and lifestyle. The specialist at the clinic has a proper conversation with you to determine the type of hearing aid that is best suited for you since one size does not fit all. The clinic offers a wide spectrum of branded hearing aids that utilize modern technology for the best hearing support and they are available in distinct colours, styles and performance levels.

Tinnitus Solutions
Tinnitus is a condition when a person suffers from a constant ringing sensation in their ears. This condition often takes a toll on an individual’s life to a great extent. It has been noticed that in Ontario in every 5 people 1 is affected by tinnitus. The Ear Depot provides expert tinnitus sound therapy and counselling to improve people’s condition and help them coup with it.

Professional Earwax Removal
Earwax is not typically a treat to most people. But for some, it causes severe health problems and in some cases hearing loss as well. Fortunately, most times the hearing loss or the health issue can be fixed by a simple procedure of professional earwax removal. The Ear Depot offers professional earwax removal services for those suffering from excessive earwax production or an impacted ear. The health professional will first examine you and help you understand your condition and inform whether you need the removal service or not.

You can book an appointment with The Ear Depot and in any one of their 4 hearing aid clinics for any of these services.

To know more about their services, products and testimonials that back their excellence in their field, visit

About the Company
The Ear Depot caters to all hearing issues including distinct levels of severity. They claim to have the best professional services and customer services in and around Peterborough. Their expertise allows the people of Ontario to gain back their confidence and start living their life to fullest with the best hearing aids and counselling.

Contact Us:
236 Parkhill Rd. E.
Ontario K9H 1R2

Phone number: 1(705) 749-0707
Toll Free: 1(888) 345-0055
Fax number: 1(705) 749 2626