Human Rights in Literature – A Video Project for Writers All Over the World


Launched by C.J. Anderson-Wu, a writer from Taiwan, this global video project about issues of human rights in literature is calling for writers all over the world to participate.

Initiated when most of the countries had to lock down their borders due to the outbreak of Covid-19, all travels, readings, speeches and book festivals postponed or canceled, this online exchange means to evoke themes in literature that had been overlooked for a long time.

Since online tools are more and more commonly used for meetings or classes, this project invites writers to make videos to talk about human rights concern they ever have included in their literary works. Once the videos are uploaded, they will be shared on several platforms, such as online literature journals, Facebook, Youtube among other media to reach out a readership as large as possible. So the literary works mentioned in the videos will be read and discussed again, forgotten historical incidents will be reminded. Furthermore, how the past injustice is carried out by literature will be contemplated, and the significance of having these issues in literary works will be talked about again.

Participating writers in the phase one are Lee Ming-Yung(Taiwan), Walis Nokan(Atayal, Taiwan), Xiang Yang(Taiwan), Li Bichin(Taiwan), Lucinda J. Clark(US), Dilman Dila(Uganda), Jose Varghese(India), James Sutherland-Smith(UK) and Andrew Booth(Indigenous Australia).

Issues regarding human rights include:

Confinement, State Violence, Censorship, Exile, Colonialism, Labor/Immigrant Laborers, Stigmatized Diseases, Gender Inequality, Deprived Cultural Rights, Prohibited Traditions, Loss or Reestablishment of Memories, Shifted or Reshaped Victimhood, Environmental Justice, Exploitation, Fight over Resources, Religious Conflict, Cultural Misunderstanding, Political Manipulation, Generational Hatred, Disgrace, Shame, Crimes and Punishment, among others.

Writers interested in this project can find C.J. Anderson-Wu on Facebook, or email to for the details.