“Life is Simple, Open your heart and Live it” said Ms Sonia Singh, Model & Senior Anchor, Rajya Sabha TV (Parliament of India National TV Channel) at IIF Webinar on 22nd May, 2020


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 32nd IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” by Ms Sonia Verma Singh, Model, a Parent & Senior Anchor, Rajya Sabha TV (Parliament of India TV Channel) and formerly as Deputy Editor, Aajtak TV, Business Head, TV Today, Special Correspondent, Zee News TV. The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance (www.iif.edu) and Executive Editor, Finance India (www.financeindia.org). The Webinar was attended by over 41 global participants from Japan, Uzbekistan, UAE, Malaysia, France, India and others.

Ms. Sonia Verma Singh said Confidence, Conviction and Consistency are key essence of life to start or finish any work to achieve the goal in life. Attitude not your Aptitude decide your Altitude what you are and how you deal with any uncertainty in life. Purpose of life should be to stay happy first that is important to be focused on the work. This is what I learnt from every profession which I did before moving to another said Ms. Sonia Singh. However, now days, youngsters are impatient, however one should love what one does.

According to her, one must come out of comfort zone to learn new things as it helps us to boost our confidence to deal with uncertainty. In next six months, the life is going to be complicated if there are lay off in job market. One must not waste time, as it won’t come again. “You are as good as your last story” a guideline principle told to her by one of her bosses. Hence one must keep innovating and working hard to move on contributing to the society at large and investing in oneself.

Advising youth, Ms. Singh said that youth should not waste their time during this pandemic; they should do something which they can add to their vitae. State of flux would always be there in post corona world. Life in next six months is going to be very challenging. However, make some thing productive during this time as learning has no age. One should always think positive said Ms. Sonia Singh. Ms. Singh was highly appreciative of the efforts being placed by Indian Institute of Finance by hosting such motivating and positive webinar series where one comes and shares their life experiences and learns from each other as the Rig Veda 1-89-1 puts it ” Let Noble thoughts come to us from every side”. Life is inherently unpredictable and insecure, so make the most of it to celebrate and live every moment by contributing to oneself and the society.

Large number of Questions from amongst over 41 participants from Zoom Live; FaceBook Live and Youtube LIVE were asked by Prof.Junzo Watada (Waseda University, JAPAN & Petronas University, MALAYSIA); Prof. Dr. Yamini Agarwal (IIF Business School, AKTU, INDIA) and many others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.