This Startup is helping brands to improve their reach 1Ox times by considering online reputation management as a valuable investment over an expense.


Businesses in the industrial age dominated the customers as there was always one-way communication or what they called advertising involved. They were always restricted towards promoting whatever offerings they had to only two channels, mainly TV and radio.

With the advent of the information age business have become quite pensive about their offerings and transformed themselves into brands. The term “brand” has been derived from a sense of ownership that the user feels about the product or service. So, brands are now constantly looking for a customer centric approach in the modern digital world.

The customer centric approach has made it quite difficult for brands to monitor what each and every customer has to say about them. The real world is actually online(virtual) now, thanks to social media! The COVID-19 pandemic has completely transformed all forms of services to digital starting from banking to even education and so businesses are investing huge finances to strengthen their online presence.
Maintaining the reputation was never an issue for business as they always dominated the digital space in two channels available but with social media, customers have become vocal via blogs, articles, reviews, etc. to counter or defame a brand if they feel they are cheated with their offerings. Brands thought of using SEO to tackle with these negative comments made against them, but it clearly it didn’t work out well.

Here’s where Online Reputation Management comes into picture. Online reputation management helps brands monitor and address derogatory comments anywhere on the internet and uses customer feedback to eliminate these comments in the search engine rankings. (ORM) siting the correct need, has developed unique reputation management services to brands come out the negative hate on the internet.

Our Offerings
Customers being vocal, tend to post derogatory content on the online community that hampers a brand’s reputation. This is where Business Reputation Management services offered by Online Reputation Manage come into action. These service crawls the Google search using relevant keywords, finds out derogatory content on the top pages of the search results and at last builds enough positive content to make sure that the negative results are suppressed.
A person’s personality is what and how people think of him/her when viewed online. With celebrities using social media as a tool for mass influence and are obviously perceived differently by individuals. Personality Reputation Management services offered by monitors and addresses any negative defaming comments made against great personalities, mugshot, morphed pictures, leaked videos and helps to clean this content anywhere on the internet.

The COVID-19 crisis has pushed many brands into the state of insolvency and has shown how a crisis management system ought to be in place. Before the crisis hurts more brands or famous personalities, Online Reputation Manage has started offering Crisis management services to be well prepared for crisis, ensure a rapid and adequate response to the crisis, maintaining clear lines of reporting and communication in the event of crisis and agreeing rules for crisis termination.
With the widened reach of social media, influencers are hitting the right chords by attracting huge masses and being the right strategy for brands to reach out to their audience. Online Reputation manage provides unique Influencer Marketing solutions to brands by identifying the right genuine influencer, discovering trends, and measuring ROIs.
“With the right kind of expertise and effective tools, we are delighted to provide our clients from the Fortune 500 a constant sense of support to strengthen their online reputation and promise to continue as well as expand these bonds over the years.”

Future Plans
Online Reputation Manage looks to tap into international markets in the near future.”We wish to take this forward and support new industries by our online reputation management services across the globe soon!” By Founder – Shruti.

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Online Reputation Manage

Protect Your Online Reputation with Expert Services