“Love PM Modi for Thinking Big and doing Extra-ordinary” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Chancellor, AAFT University of Media and Arts, INDIA at IIF Webinar on 20th May, 2020


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 30th IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” by Dr. Sandeep Marwah, renowned International Media Personality & Global Cultural Minister; Founder, Noida Film City, UP, INDIA; Founder Chairman, Marwah Studios, Noida, UP, INDIA; Founder Chairman, Asian Academy of Film & TV, UP, INDIA; Chancellor, AAFT University of Media and Arts, UP, INDIA; President, International Chamber of Media & Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), INDIA; Honoured by House of Commons at British Parliament, London, UK; Honoured by Bavaria Parliament in Munich, GERMANY and Honoured as the Champion of Wales in Welsh Parliament, WALES. The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance (www.iif.edu) and Executive Editor, Finance India (www.financeindia.org). The Webinar was attended by over 82 global participants from USA, UK, Russia, France, Spain, UAE, Finland, India and others.

Dr. Marwah said that with good thinking, good feelings and deeds we can bring Heaven on the Earth. It is very important to respect and involve the parents and teachers during school life of child to make a good human being and a Nationalist person. If one behaves like a student in life, he is bound to learn and grow throughout his life. According to him, only two qualities are important in a human being which are beauty and good feeling which is already inside you and nowhere to be found. One must always be in good company to be successful in life. All religions talks about humanity. We should always keep our thoughts positive having high spirits and spirituality said Dr. Marwah.

One should always look for an excuse for being happy and celebrating the life. If we do what we want instead of what others want and fulfill own dreams and desires, this will help every one live happy and induce growth in life. In order to induce happy living, one should work for the Nation with the moto “Ask not what the National Can do for you, Ask what can you do for the Nation” instead of expecting from the leaders or government officials all the time and cribbing about felt chancellor Dr. Marwah. He narrated large number of stories from his personal life as to how he has practiced this to grow in his professional and personal life.

One must develop oneself to be a positive human being. Dr. Marwah gave numerous examples from his life about empathy, patience and perseverance as part of one’s growing up. He strongly felt that one should write what they want, what are the expectations from others. This will make life easy to understand, appreciate and live happily. While talking about the youth and the potential of India, he was very bullish and felt that we are for a high spin going forward.

Chancellor Dr. Sandeep Marwah appreciated the efforts of PM Modi and said that he loves PM Modi for Thinking Big and doing extraordinary. He said that PM Modi is doing a wonderful job and with support from all of us under his guidance and leadership, India would achieve the 5 Trillion Dollar Economy within stipulated time.

Large number of Questions from amongst over 82 participants from Zoom Live; FaceBook Live and Youtube LIVE were asked by Dr. Asoke Laha, (Founding President & CEO, Interra Inc, USA and INDIA); Prof. Madan M. Goel (former Vice Chancellor and former Professor, Kurukshetra, INDIA); Dr. Martin (UK) and many others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.