FAMZ, UK Based Young Entrepreneur Shares His Journey from Zero to Hero


A Proud Owner of eCommerce and Several Drop Shipping Stores at Just 19 Years of Age.
Famz, a young UK based entrepreneur shares his success story and what it is like to become a successful entrepreneur at such a young age. Success has a different meaning to every individual. For Famz it definitely does not come with a 9 to 5 job. He wanted to do something on his own and be his own boss.

Famz did not want to report to somebody or work under anybody. And so his journey towards entrepreneurship began. It is 4 years now and Famz is a successful business owner. At an age where the teens and youth play video games, hang out with their girlfriends, go clubbing with their gang and do all the exciting things in life; FAMZ chose to spend his interesting teen phase developing a business plan.

Just like any other individual, Famz too wanted to drive the most luxurious of cars, wear the best of designer clothes and live in a deluxe house. And so he went on to pursue his dream. It was not a smooth journey and since he was young, Famz too made his share of mistakes. But he overcame all that along with the fear that comes with failure. He moved on after one of his first investments failed. And it is this positive and never give up attitude that led to the success during his 4 years of journey as an entrepreneur.

Famz now lives in a mansion in a gated community and aims at keeping his aspirations high. There are very few self-motivated individuals and who learn from their mistakes. Famz is one of them and here is wishing him the best of luck in his business ventures.

About FAMZ
Famz is a young entrepreneur based out of U.K. who has started his own eCommerce business at the age of 16. Famz is now just 19 and already runs different drop shipping stores along with a successful eCommerce store.

Media Contact

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Email: Click to Email FAMZ
Web: https://www.instagram.com/famz.1