Know how does the pool pump work?


To keep a swimming pool in good working order, several pieces of equipment are needed, including the Hayward Ecostar pump. One of its functions is to guarantee the circulation of water, contributing to the cleaning of the pool.

TheHayward pool pump can also be used in the heating and accessory system. In this blog, we will explain better to you how the pool pump and its main components work.

Importance and functions of the pool pump:

How does the pool pump work?

Dirt that accumulates in the pool over time can end up compromising water quality. Therefore, it is necessary that this water is pumped through the pipes to the filter, where the impurities will be removed. After this process, she returns to the pool, now clean and free of dirt.

In addition to enabling the filtering process, the pump also plays an important role in heating the pool. Accessories such as waterfalls, for example, also work through the force generated by the Hayward super pump.

The rules for recirculation and water treatment in swimming pools:

The Hayward Tristar pump system for recirculating and treating water in a swimming pool must comply with the conditions. And it is made to guarantee the hygiene and safety of those who use the pool during leisure time.

The requirements are related to factors such as the maximum recirculation time, project flow, the method of leaving, and returning the water, among others. Also according to the standard, the materials that make up the equipment of the recirculation and treatment system must respect some requirements. They must not produce toxic effects or transmit color, taste, or odor to the water. Resistance to chemical corrosion is also essential.

Necessary care of the pump:

To ensure that the pump continues to function properly, care must be taken with its maintenance. The ideal is that every 6 months a technical review of the equipment is carried out. Some tips can help you keep the pump running at all times:

– Strange noises or leaks may indicate that the pump is very worn. In that case, look for a technician.

– If you notice that the pump has a high temperature, immediately turn off the equipment.

– Check the pump sealing elements regularly.

– The pump must not operate without water, this can damage and impair its operation.

– Pay attention to the pump flow, which must correspond to the needs of the filtration system of each pool.

The Hayward pool pump has a motor with a compact design, presenting less noise and more resistance to corrosion. The self-priming model, built-in thermoplastic material, allows a higher flow and more safety to its operation.