Musician Looks to Share With the World


New York – Paulina Zelman has been involved in music for pretty much all of her life. Starting at age seven with the piano, Zelman later picked up the trumpet and many other instruments along the way. Zelman started writing poems in elementary school which eventually turned into singing and songwriting.

Her music has been kept to herself as sharing music with the public was out of her comfort zone. It was a little too much for her to extend her music to the world beyond.

“Music has always been a huge passion of mine. Every since I was really little, I would dance around to different songs. Music has been there for me through everything and brought me happiness. I come from a musical family and I am grateful that they have passed down their musical genes to me,” said Zelman.

Zelman refers to the COVID-19 virus crippling most of the U.S. and the world in her song “Prisoner.” She had a paradigm shift with her music and decided it was time to share what she created with the world. Overwhelmed with emotion, Paulina wrote and played her next single “Never Gone” as a way to cope with her dear friend’s passing. In the song, Paulina sings, “You’re never gone, your soul lives on and on and on.”

“Music has always been therapeutic for me and I enjoyed documenting experiences meaningful to me in the form of songs. I took the big step and released some of my formerly private music on several music sharing locations,” said Zelman.

Her gentle and soothing voice reaches into the folk songs and coffee house artists. Simple and direct, each of her many songs speak to a universal pathos of the world. She plays each instrument herself as well as composed all of the melody and lyrics.

Zelman has several different sites where she shares her soothing, folksy and heartfelt music. Find her on Spotify, her rising Youtube channel, Instagram and Twitter.

Zelman plans on continuing to write and compose music with the hope to spread positivity and remind people they are not alone.

“I love the process of writing songs, playing instruments and creating music. If I can reach one person and improve their day and situation, then I know I have accomplished my mission,” said Zelman.

Paulina Zelman