How Garmin GPS is best among other GPS available in Market? Call Now : +1 844-687-1001


What is GPS?

GPS (Global Positioning System) is a system based on navigation and at least require 24 satellites to made it up. There is no subscription fee or setup charges for GPS, it works 24 hours a day no matter what is the weather condition is. The US military was using this system a long ago but they put it use for normal citizen in 1980’s.

How GPS works?

GPS Satellites circle the earth in a precise orbit, Twice in a day. Unique signal sends by each satellite and orbital parameters that allows GPS Device to decode and precise location of the satellite. Now with the help of GPS receiver the information sent by satellite transliteration to calculate user’s exact location.

The distance to each satellite by the amount of time it takes to receive a transmitted signal measures by the GPSreceiver. The receiver can determine users position by with the help of distance measurements from few more satellites.

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GPS Can calculate 2-D and 3-D Position. Now for calculate 2-D position and track movement, a GPS receiver must be locked on the signal of at least 3 satellite and for 3-D position (latitude, longitude and altitude) need 4 or more satellites in view. Generally, a GPS receiver will track 8 or more satellites.

Once your position has been determined, now the GPS unit will calculate other information, Like:


2.Trip Distance



5.Distance of destination

And others

How Accurate is GPS?

Withe help of their parallel multiple channel design now a days GPS receiver are extremely Accurate. Now the accuracy of GPS can be affected by atmospheric factor and other sources. Now with the help of wide area Augmenter System accuracy is improved by some Garmin GPS receiver. By providing correction to the atmosphere this capability can improve accuracy to better than 3 meters. There is no additional equipment is required to take advantages of WAAS Satellite.

Other GPS Systems:

Global navigation satellite system is the other similar system to the world. GLONASS is a satellite constellation system built by Russia. China is creating BEDOUIN while the European space agency is creating Galileo. Now Garmin receivers track both GPS, Glonass and even BEDOUIN.

Fit-bit vs Garmin: Both used to be same with many products and directly compete with each other. Fit-bit has essentially cornered the low-end smart watches and fitness tracker. Whereas the Garmin is far and away the leader in the GPS Fitness. The future of fit-bit hardware is muddy because fit-bit was acquired by google.

The GPS satellite System: The GPS space segment are orbiting the earth making by around 31 satellites. Within 24 hours they complete 2 orbits of our earth.

Some interesting facts about GPS Satellites:

1.NAVSTAR is the official name for USDOD GPS. 1978 the first GPS satellite was launched.

3.In 1994 a full constellation of 24 satellites was achieved.

4.Each satellite is built to last about 10 years.

What is a Signal?

At least 2 low power radio signals transmitted by a GPS satellite. These signals can pass through cloud, glass and plastic but cannot go through building and mountains and other solid objects. Modern Receiver are more sensitive and usually track through houses.

There are 3 different type of information contain by GPS Signal.

1. Pseudo random code: The information that is transmitting from the satellite is identifies by this ID code.

2. Ephemeris data: In order to determine satellite position and gives important information about the health of a satellite from date and time.

3.Almanac Data: It tells the GPS Receiver where each GPS satellite should be at any time throughout the day.

GPS Signals Error Sources:

Satellite signals pass through the atmosphere as they are slow. In order to partially correct from this type of error GPS System uses a built-in model ionosphere and troposphere delays. Tall buildings or large rock surface can reflect of GPS signals before it reaches the receiver, which increase the travel time of the signal and cause an error.

GPS satellites use atomic clock so a receiver built in clock may have slight timing errors because it is less accurate than atomic clock. Sometimes the satellite’s reported location may not be correct.