Comparative review for best consulting case prep books


Australia 18.05.2020 Study from the best study material and success will definitely be yours. The materials available in the markets although covers the full content but differs with each other in one aspect or the other. Some materials are suitable for business background candidates or some are good for freshers. It is always advisable to take the expert opinion before selecting the best material for you considering your individual constraints.

Ready for consulting are the team of experts that provide the material review services for case interview practise. The ready for consulting provides the advisory for the best consulting case prep books. The criteria for comparison adopted by Ready for consulting is very unique in nature and covers all the possible aspects for comparison. The criteria of comparison include the comparison of basic business concepts, personal fir, case interview: theory, case interview: practise, case interview: maths and path clarity.

The review of materials by Ready for consulting provides the detailed comparative report on the materials based on the availability of premium access, free content, tariffs, hours of training, focus of material, format of material and detailed assessment report. The assessment report so prepared compares the materials based on the above stated criteria and provides criteria wise ranking to each material. The assessment report also provides the strengths and weaknesses of the materials under each criteria.

The aspirants or the candidates after going through the comparative assessment report by Ready for Consulting can decide the suitability of the material to them. It saves lot of precious time, efforts and money of the candidates to compare the materials. Ready for Consulting uses the criteria of case interview practiseamong other criteria to compare the materials. The case interview practisecriteriaensure the availability of enough cases and videos to master the skill of case interview. Moreover, the practical tips are also shared with the aspirants to cope-up with the different situations.

Inside the e-books by ready for consulting, you will find the must-read articles, free resources you don’t want to miss, most useful youtube videos and channels, podcasts and reviews. It helps you to select the best resources and the best consulting case prep books.For more details please visit at :