“INDIA growing exponentially under PM Modi’s Leadership” said USA’s Mrs. Shaini Nair, Bharatnatyam Dancer and Regulatory & Payments Compliance Manager (North America, Canada, Latin America, Austrialia), eBay, USA and MBF 2003-05 Alumni, Indian Institute of Finance, INDIA at IIF Webinar on 16th May, 2020


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 27th IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” by Mrs. Shaini Nair (USA), Bharatnatyam Dancer; Regulatory & Payments Compliance Manager (North America, Canada, Latin America, Austrialia), eBay, USA; formerly with Goldman Sachs, AIG, Thomson Reuters; MBF 2003-05 Alumni, Indian Institute of Finance, INDIA). The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance (www.iif.edu) and Executive Editor, Finance India ( www.financeindia.org). The Webinar was attended by over 46 global participants from USA, France, UAE, Australia, India and others.

Mrs. Nair said that maintaining a balance in the work life and following the passion are the key essence of life. Instead of competing with others, one should compete him self to grow and be a better person in life. Spirituality and meditation are important to live a happy life; Fear of God is a beginning of wisdom and helps one to grow. One should always have a positive outlook in life. Do a good deed and you always get a good deed back. Sense of belongingness in the married life helped me to grow and evolve said Ms. Nair.

According to her, the COVID pandemic is the right time to plan one’s future and to invest in oneself which are important to grow and stay happy in life. A positive and optimistic mind set is a key success mantra for everyone to achieve one’s goal. One should not go behind the power and money instead just do the right things, it will come behind you. The governments should consider to open a four-day work week to balance out life. One must invest in themselves to induce happy living, not just physical but also mental happiness and this is the time to invest in yourself. Make things work during this time said Mrs. Nair.

Speaking on the economic front and the way India has progressed, Ms. Nair pointed out that India is growing exponentially. She witnessed the Howdy Modi event in Houstan Texas, where she is based and was very happy to see the response of Americans and the Indian Diaspora, welcoming PM Modi and President Trump. She said that she has felt the change in respect for the Indian community in the recent few years given the fast growth and foreign policy adopted by the current government under he leadership of PM Modi.

Youth should not be in competition mode; instead they should be humble, have patience, enhance their knowledge, reach out to mentors and always be positive towards their life and career. While remembering her college life at Indian Institute of Finance, Ms. Shaini Nair thanked her Gurus at the Institute like Prof. J.D. Agarwal, Prof. Manju Agarwal, Prof. A.L. Nagar, Prof. MC. Kapoor, Prof. Yamini Agarwal, Prof. Deepak Bansal and many others. She pointed out that the institute and the MBF course moulded her life to become what she is today. She recalled her time being exposed to the rich resource in the IIF Library and the knowledge she gained by reading the quarterly refereed journal – Finance India and had cherished at her engagements while she worked at Goldman Sachs, AIG and Thomson Reuters. She felt that the wealth of knowledge she was able to attain at IIF helps her even today while she in board / financial evaluation meetings at eBay USA.

Large number of Questions from amongst over 46 participants were asked by Mr. Asoke K. Laha (President & CEO, Interra IT USA); Dr. Mohd Haleem Khan (former Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Finance) ; Dr. Sadar A.R. (UAE); Mr. Ranjit Kapoor (CEO, White Metal Pvt Ltd, UP, INDIA) ; Prof. Kishore Kulkarni (Professor, Chennia, INDIA) and many others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.