Salesforce partners with Pride Circle to help support Mental Health Wellness for the LGBT+ community


Salesforce India, in a first of its kind initiative, introduced a national webinar series; in collaboration with Pride Circle and Suicide Prevention India Foundation, to help address the vulnerabilities experienced by the LGBT+ community amidst the countywide lockdown. The webinar series titled “Pride & Mental Wellness” will be launched on 17th May, a day marked as International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

Registrations are open at

In addition to the economic impact, the ongoing global health crisis has also created panic and anxiety amongst the general population. While recent reports suggest a surge mental health related issues, the LGBT+ community are more likely to struggle during this period; due to the stigma and discrimination attached to their identity.

The webinar series, led by a team of renowned experts in the industry; aims to provide a safe platform for individuals to connect and discuss issues/ grievances, from fear of loss of job, anxiety of isolation, to more concerning topics such as coping and dealing with a hostile environment at home.

Based off of these initiatives, Pride Circle, Suicide Prevention India Foundation and Salesforce will work together to create a resource centre, to benefit future mental health wellness initiatives, specific to the needs of the LGBT+ community.

FREE Helpline with LGBT+ friendly counsellors – +91-80-470-96367 – Helpline is from 18th May-24th May 6pm-10pm