Daily mindfulness affirmations


When you have specific goals that you want to meet, daily affirmations are useful in empowering you to fulfil them. What are affirmations? Affirmations are customised statements that act like keywords. They unlock the Law of Attraction to help you create the life of your dreams. These are short, simple statements that when repeated on a regular basis, preferably daily encourage and uplift the person reciting them. Positive affirmations are in fact part of the language of the brain. When they are said in the past tense, assuming that goals have ben already met, these empowering mantras have profound effects on the conscious and unconscious mind.
You can start your practice by reciting these mantras to create powerful, divine energies for you. Himalayas which is the abode of spirituality transfers the knowledge of these 3 prayers to us. This is available to all, and can be practised at any time, and any number of times.

Om Gurubhyo Namaha – I Salute to the Divine Masters
Om Guru Mandalaya Namaha – I Salute to All Masters
Om Himalayaya Namaha- I Salute to the Spiritual Abode and the Root of Knowledge

Three Divine Sutras that can be repeated by you are:

Om Anando Hum- I am the Bliss
Om Sangho Hum- I am part of a divine community
Om Siddho Hum- I am towards perfection of existence

What Can Positive Affirmations Do?
Positive affirmations are like training your brain on an everyday basis to plant a seed of a thought, emotion or behaviour into it. This is to set yourself up for success. Success is defined as different things for different people and can come from any part of your life.
With positive affirmations, you can:
• Manifest more money
• Attract romance
• Create positive relationships
• Lose weight
Positive affirmations for work
To help you attain your career goals like improve your performance at work, get a new job, change careers or even improve relationships with clients and co-workers, you can use the affirmations below.
• I further my career with every action I take.
• I have my dream job.
• I love every day that I work.
• My career brings me closer to my family.
• My job brings me financial abundance.
• My coworkers love being around me.
• My boss values the work I do.
• I am a valued employee.
• My clients appreciate and value my work.
• I attract new clients every day.
Psositive affirmations for love
If you are looking to improve any relationship, whether this with your parent, partner or friend etc., these positive affirmations can prepare and guide you towards healthy, happy partnerships. Modify them according to the relationship you want to apply them to:
• I radiate love and others reflect love back to me.
• I am loving and lovable.
• My relationship is healthy, long-lasting and full of love.
• My partner is kind, compassionate and understanding.
• Life is full of love and I find it everywhere I go.
• My relationship is divine, and my partner and I are perfectly matched.
• There is a deep understanding between my partner and I.
• Forgiveness and compassion is the foundation of my relationship.
• It is easy for me to look in the mirror and say, “I love you.”
• My words are always kind and loving, and in return, I hear kindness and love from others.
• Every day of my life is filled with love.
• All communication between my partner and I is loving and kind.
• Everything about me is lovable and worthy of love.
• I wake up every morning filled with joy, because I know that I face each day with the support and love of my partner.
• All of my relationships are healthy because they are based in love and compassion.
Positive affirmations for everyday life
Fill your everyday life with happiness and excitement with these following affirmations.
• I wake up happy and excited every single day.
• Each day of my life is filled with joy and love.
• I am enthusiastic about every second of my life.
• Everything I do is fun, healthy and exciting.
• I am a beacon of love and compassion.
• Everyone sees how much joy and love I have for life.
• I crave new, healthy experiences.
• All of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion.
• I see others as good people who are trying their best.
• I find opportunities to be kind and caring everywhere I look.
Positive affirmations can help you to accomplish anything imaginable. They can transform your life, changing even the way you think or feel about yourself. Among the top reasons, confidence and self-esteem are why a large number of people use positive affirmations, but you don’t have to limit yourself to these uses. Practice some of these daily affirmations and watch how they transform your everyday experiences.