ACSQ Certification Body introduces COVID Free Certification to define new workplace regulations


Milan, (15th May, 2020): The world is tackling the severity of Corona Pandemic and extending its helping hands, ACSQ Certification body has introduced new Certificazione Covid Free to mark the technical, disciplinary regulations for the workplaces. This certification implies a set of certain guidelines and regulations introduced to prevent spreading of Corona Virus amidst the workplaces. The UN standards, Ministry of Health & Control bodies and other higher authorities stated a document that mentions the guidelines and requirements that every company needs to meet for running their services on safe platforms.

Following the authority norms, ACSQ Certification body offers the companies a chance to get certified in compliance with all the legislations and requirements as stated by the authorities. All the technical regulations are imposed in this certification, and ACSQ will make sure that every company understands the importance of health safety of the employees and executives working at different levels. ACSQ Certification body will issue the Certificato Covid Free Aziende for three years. There will be surveillance audits in two phases for the certification in the next two years after being issued.

In the first phase, the documentation works will be verified, whereas, in the second phase, the site verification for the application of measures will be taken into consideration. The main motto behind this effective step of introducing Certificazione Coronavirus is to suppress the risk of spreading the pandemic amongst the workplaces.

About ACSQ Certification

ACSQ Certification Body is renowned at the international level for its certifications associated with the management system of Environment, health and safety. They have dedicated auditors who are highly qualified and industry experts.

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