Now You Can Easily Find A Basement Leak Even in A Finished Basement


DryShield offers you advice to find a leaky basement even in a completely furnished basement. Today’s style of the finished basement makes it difficult to spot any leaks, and so this waterproofing company has some tips for you.

Gone are those days when the basement meant only a storage place or a space to rent. Nowadays, people invest more dearly into their basement space and make it their workshop for building things or fixing them. However, in both cases, the trend of the completely finished and furnished basement is on high, which also makes it difficult to identify leaky basement until it becomes a major problem. DryShield Water Solutions has come forward with a solution to offer you guys for noticing a basement leak even in a finished basement.

According to the spokesperson of the DryShield Water Solutions, the finished apartment has paneling and wallpaper on both sides of the wall, which makes it difficult to spot the leak. However, you need to remember that the most common cause of leakage is finding a crack in the wall. So, the first thing you need to do is look for any cracks on the wall. Note the spot where water was first found and check the foundation nearby above the ground for any visible cracks.

If you aren’t able to find any source of water leakage, then maybe its time for you to call for professional help. They will complete a thorough inspection for you and also carry out the basement leak repair for the permanent solution to the problem. According to the company, you need to have to worry about tearing down the entire drywall for fixing the leakage in the finished apartment. The professionals can handle the situation in a quick process with minimal disruption.

About the company –
DryShield Water Solutions is one of the leading waterproofing contractors in Ontario, Canada, and are in the business for over two decades. With their immense experience, they offer expert solutions for waterproofing problems related to the basement and foundation of your homes to provide the best structural integrity.

Nathan Thava
Toronto, Canada