Know about operation of Pool Heating system


Today, to be able to efficiently heat your pool, two solutions are to be preferred: the heat pump and thermal solar panels. One is no better than the other, each solution has its advantages and disadvantages.

It’s up to you to choose the one that suits you best. To make the most of your investment, also use your heat pump like Hayward propane pool heater or solar panels to meet the heating and hot water needs of your home. Simulate your savings on our site.

Pool heating by heat pump:

The K-star electric heater is a heating system powered by electricity. Its particularity lies in its ability to produce between 2 to 5 times more energy than it consumes, which makes it a very efficient heating system.

To heat the water in a swimming pool, we will first use an air-water heat pump. The principle is simple: the heat pump collects the calories present in the outside air and heats them to then transmit them to the pool water.

Pool heating operation:

Thanks to our available simulators, estimate your energy savings in a few minutes using aPentair aboveground pool heater or solar thermal panels. Our simulators are 100% free and without obligation.

Pool heating by solar thermal panels:

The solar thermal panels function as a solar water heater. They make it possible to produce hot water thanks to solar radiation, a simple and effective principle.

A solution that adapts to each need:

Whether you choose the Pentair master temp heater or solar thermal panels, be aware that there is no better solution. The heat pump will be able to heat your swimming pool as long as the outside temperatures are not too low (not less than 7 ° C), while the solar panels will function efficiently as long as the sun is not clouded by clouds. Thus, the heat pump remains overall a more reliable system, but the solar panels will surely be more economical, quite simply because solar energy is free energy.

The heat pump for above ground pools:

Heat pumps can also heat above-ground pools. The principle is rather simple: the air-water heat pump extracts the heat contained in the air to restore it to the pool water. Thanks to its thermodynamic cycle, the heat pump consumes less electrical energy than it produces heat. This system is, therefore, energy efficient. It allows you to heat your above ground pool economically.