Is it a Lockdown of Studies? Bank PO Student Waiting to Attend Coaching Classes


On 1st May 2020, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) extended the lockdown period to 17th May 2020. It’s been 54 days of lockdown already and education in many ways has suffered a lot. Boards are withheld, answer sheets checking & results have postponed.
Candidates who were participating this year were finding the Top Bank Coaching in Jaipur. Now, Covid-19 has put a full stop on each and everything. Especially when Jaipur has come under the red zone area.
The much-awaited banking exams have seen the repercussions too. Famous banking institution IBPS was supposed to declare the online forms for its RRB Exams. According to the official ibps calendar, the exams are supposed to be held in August 2020. But now it is clearly estimated that releasing of online forms might get a delay because of the widespread of the CoronaVirus.
As a result, the Administration for red zones has put on some strict restrictions like no movements, no public transport, penalties on the vehicle for unnecessary travelings, etc. So the bank po applicants in Jaipur are facing huge troubles in getting their studies on track.
Some students have also asked institutes to deliver online classes so that applicants can continue their studies. The renowned institutes are equipped with these facilities earlier, problems are with the emerging coachings in Jaipur. The faculties are trying to make this time favorable for studies but there are a few clashes like Technicalities, Net availability, etc. which will resolve only after lockdown.
The only thing left with the candidates is to remain in touch with the teachers online. There are different platforms like Skype, Zoom, Google Meets, Youtube Channels where students can take their usual classes.
Everybody is keeping an eye on the decisions of the government, will the lockdown get over on 17th or not? It should be yes as education from primary to upper levels has suffered a lot. Students from lower primary to government preparations are in vain. So hopefully, the government will plan something to continue the process and Top Bank Coaching in India works smoothly.
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