India is a progressive Society with strong fundamentals with primary education as its Key : Mr. Anil Swarup, Former Secretary (School Education), GOI at IIF Webinar on 14th May,2020


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 26th IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” Mr. Anil Swarup, IAS 1981, Author of “Not Just a Civil Servant”; Founder Chairman, Nexus of Good and Secretary (2016-18) School Education, Government of India, INDIA; Secretary (2014-16) Coal, GOI, INDIA; Director General (2006-13), Ministry of Labour and Employment, GOI, INDIA. The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance ( and Executive Editor, Finance India ( The Webinar was attended by over 38 global participants from USA, Sweden, Spain, UAE, Africa, India and others.

Mr. Swarup said that life and growth may have different meanings for different people and depends upon what choices we have and what we think & believe. Real growth is continuous learning and satisfaction in life; until we would not learn every day, we can’t grow in life. According to him, happiness should not be defined and depend upon anybody else, it should be inside us. If one has positive energy, the whole world would conspire to make it happen. Best way to celebrate the life is to enjoy the present moment instead of thinking about past and future. By trusting others, life becomes easy to live said Mr. Swarup.

Youth should focus on present and focus on themselves and not bother about others what others think, it helps them to grow and achieve what they desire feels Mr. Swarup. Passion makes things happens and one must keep the passion alive for essence of life and growth to blossom. One must also learn from failures, as they are our best teachers. Government must take the role of he Facilitator from being just a Regulator. This mindset needs to change to induce more confidence and growth in the society. Mr. Swarup shared his life experiences explaining how this helps to in bringing out change and enhance productivity while he was in service.

Large number of Questions from amongst over 38 participants were asked by Prof. P.B. Sharma (Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Gurugram, INDIA); Mr. Asoke K. Laha (President & CEO, Interra IT USA); Mr. Narendra M (former CMD, Indian Overseas Bank); Dr. Venumadav Venkadasula (Professor, Hyderabad); Dr. Pooja Kushwala; Dr. Ravindra Reddy Temilela (INDIA) ; Ms. Shobha Singh (MBF Graduate, Greater Noida) and many others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.