Get Premium Website Membership Services in WordPress


Are you running a membership-driven organization? ExpressTech Softwares has experience designing and developing membership websites to suit the needs of members, Board, and your expanding chapter. If you’re hearing mumblings — or maybe even loud groans — from members and colleagues about needing a new website design, we can help with that.

A Refreshed Member Portal

Give your members</a. the experience they signed up for member portals that give members easy access to a network of their peers, volunteer committees, event opportunities, job postings, and thought leadership pieces like member-only articles.

Auto Renewal of Annual Dues

We know you love your members, but reaching out to each one individually when their membership fees are due each year is exhausting and definitely not the best use of your time. We can make the process of membership fee collection simple and automated.

You set the renew date and we develop your website to automatically charge each member’s preferred method of payment when it’s time to collect dues. No manual processing required. Members love it, and we know you will, too.

Management of Members Perks With Smart Checkout

We can design your membership website to have a smart checkout process that recognizes when a member is logged in and automatically applies the appropriate discounts to the events and products in their cart.

Manage the Permissions for Multiple Membership Levels

If you have multiple kinds of membership levels from students to professionals, board members, and sponsors, your new website can manage them all. We can set special permissions to each membership level, granting and restricting access to areas of your website as appropriate.

We are Developer Partner with Paid Membership Plugin for better experience. Feel free to contact us.