Whistleblower Attorney Los Angeles & Labor Code 98.6


The California Labor Law consists of different provisions exercised by experienced Whistleblower Attorney Los Angeles to protect employees based in the city & other parts of the state against retaliation from employer over whistleblowing. Whistleblowing is indeed very important to help the government track down many critical frauds in the country, ahead of time. Here’s how a Whistleblower Attorney bring you justice through essential elements of Labor Code 98.6.

Retaliation for Pay

If your employer hits your employment right to complain over improper payment for total hours worked, you can file for a lawsuit. A Whistleblower Attorney Los Angeles can properly explain to you, how you need to start with your case. You must need to find the best employment law firm as such.

Complaining for Overtime

Another important aspect of Labor Code 98.6 protects you whenever you make complain over not being paid for overtime & your employer retaliates you accordingly. It is completely against business ethics & employment laws all over the world condemn it.

Breaks on Work

Whatever’s your work culture & category, your body always needs a break to keep up the performance for long. Your employer can’t pressurize you to complete a client’s deadline compromising your resting & meal hours.Moreover, a Whistleblower Attorney Los Angeles investigates whether your employment contract carries a meal break or resting time with it or not, leading major violations of law.

Stay conscious of every wrongdoing you’re experiencing & undergoing every day at your office & discuss the same with employment attorneys at Cummings & Franck. Based in Los Angeles, we’ve got hands-on experience to deal with Labor Code Violations. Let us know your workplace story!!