Nurses – The Hand That Serves Unwaveringly


The Coronavirus pandemic has taught us many things. The most important of it is the value of being at our homes safely. The world as we had known changed, in a span of a few weeks we collectively learned the importance of self-care and isolation. When all of India flocked to their safe spaces, it was doctors, nurses and policemen who marched to the front. The nurses, especially, devoted themselves to working shifts in helping the patients. It wasn’t just the coronavirus patients needed the help and care, patients with other life-threatening illnesses, the elderly, post-surgery patients and many more too needed the help and care that nurses offered. India Home Health Care, a partner of BAYADA Home Health Care, offers a range of care services for home-locked patients.

The nurses at IHHC are comprehensively trained to handle patients with any kind of illnesses. The simulation laboratory trains the nurses in various real-life situations that make them skilled and competent. To avoid exposure to the virus, IHHC provides 24/7 in-house nursing services. The nurses at IHHC go above and beyond their duty in serving their patients with care and skill. Many IHHC nurses have chosen to quarantine along with the terminally ill and ailing patients to render their services. IHHC offers 24/7 in-house nursing care for,
The Elderly with an underlying or active illness
Patients from post-surgery
Patients with complicated issues who need attentive care
Patients with chronic diseases or disorders
Newborn care

The IHHC nurses are dedicated and devoted to their profession and are admired for constantly choosing their patients over their own family. The services from IHHC can be chosen by anyone who needs nurse’s help, even during this lockdown period.