A Specified Pulse Oximeter To Fit In Your Needs


In the current situation when taking care of health is very important to save yourself from the trap of any sort of disease. Going to the doctor for every little problem can be tricky sometimes, so it is very important to have clinically approved instruments at home that will help you to monitor the health. To measure the flow or amount of oxygen carried in your body. So, for it, santamedical has come up with Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor (SpO2) with Pulse Rate Measurements and Pulse Bar Graph. This is especially dedicated to checking the flow of oxygen in the blood.

It is the device which is a lightweight machine which is painless, it is attached to fingertip and attached Portable Digital Reading LED Display showcase the accurate graph. Our specialized designed Pulse Oximeter comes with the Batteries Included that will save time in search of batteries. The most important point of our product is that it is clinically approved.

Having old parents at home need extra care always, our Finger Pulseoximeter is your best help, it will give you the accurate graph that will tell you exact results. It also helps to monitor the Pulse Rate so that you feel better and healthy. It is clinically tested and delivers the confirmed consistent results. It helps to receive blood SpO2, Pulse Rate, and Pulse Strength and provide the outcome within 8 to 10 seconds on the attached large digital red LED display.

It is very important to ensure that every health graph is balanced and to mark it correctly you need the truthful Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor and this device give you the best. It is a flexible and portable Fingertip Pulse Oximeter that you can carry anytime and anywhere. This helps to keep your health in control as well as save you from unnecessary doctor’s trip.

Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor (SpO2) with Pulse Rate Measurements and Pulse Bar Graph, Portable Digital Reading LED Display, Batteries Included