5 Major Challenges That You Can Face In Subtitling Translation


Subtitling Translation:

It is a process in which audio texts from a video of different language is translated into the target language. It is basically done to target a wide range of audiences. It specifically facilitates you with the platform to target a wider audience with the same content. The services of subtitling look pretty easy as you watch them displayed across your screen while watching a foreign language film. But, it is none other than a wrong perception as it includes a lot of risks and challenges throughout the process, and therefore it is also stated as a complicated and complex type of translation. Along with the quality of translation, it also carries a lot of other complexities that you will come across in every subtitling translation service project. Those challenges are

1. Length Of The Text:
It is an initial challenge that you have to tackle in every subtitling project. You have to fit the translated text with the video screen accordingly. The length of the translated text may vary in different languages as every language has its own standards and syntax. English is considered shorter than the most languages and translating text from English to other languages can result in an increase in the length of the text. So, it can create an issue for you as you also have to consider the fixed space for subtitles. Obviously, you don’t want the translated text to be cut off by the edge of the screen or so much of text covering the screen that will ruin the visuals of the video. You always have to tackle it precisely as it can be a tough challenge for you throughout the process.

2. Speed Of The Dialogues:
The expansion of text can also give birth to a new challenge for you in the subtitling process. The reading speed of your viewers can be affected because of expansion in translated dialogues. Either the subtitles will be moving too fast for the viewers to read or the dialogue delivery will be ahead of your subtitles. So the best possible solution to overcome this problem is that you must plan ahead and go for the fast-moving dialogue if you know you have to translate the video. Most of the translators don’t find it a perfect solution, but you have to compromise a little to enhance your subtitling services.

3. Multiple Speakers:
It is considered as one of the most tricky challenges while doing the subtitling translation process. It is because of the multiple speakers speaking their dialogues. You don’t only have to look for the pacing and screen space, but you also have to make sure that the text gets appeared at the time when a character starts speaking and disappears when he stops. And the next subtitle promptly appears when the second character starts speaking. This is not an easy task as we talk faster than we read, so the readers should have enough time to read each subtitle. And, in a worst-case scenario of fast-paced dialogues, conversations, and speeches, etc get more tricky and, you have to be precise and wise enough to tackle this challenge.

4. Style:
If you are working with any of the film industry, advertising, or even creative footage, it becomes very challenging to redevelop the style of the video. It is because of the multiple speakers speaking their dialogues and, you have to grab the different personalities in various tones. And, this is the major reason why subtitling services sometimes lose the actual flavor of what someone is saying.

5. Selection Of Font:
The most essential part of the subtitling translation service is the selection of font. You must always focus on the standard font size that would be compatible with all kinds of screens. A user on a Smartphone will have a very smaller display as compared to a user having a view on 4KHD TV. So the text, in this case, is a major key to target a wider audience and you must be wise enough to choose the right font. The weight of a font is also significant as bold characters or large spaces can affect the readability of the users very badly and ruin their whole movie or a video. So your subtitle translation services must have compatibility with different screens.

Final Words:
As discussed above, there are 5 major challenges and considerations that you must follow in the subtitling translation process. You can also follow subtitle specialists who have in-depth knowledge and experience of working within the fixed space and matching it with the video. When you are targeting an international audience then translating the text is never a challenge by the use of above-discussed Challenges and solutions.