Things to know about Microblading 伦敦纹眉


伦敦纹眉Microblading is a technique to improve the appearance of your eyebrows without having to apply a drop of makeup, would you use it?

Almost 20 years ago, about to enter the new millennium, the thick and dark eyebrow that ruled the catwalks and fashion magazines mutated in a thin line of shades lighter than hair.

The eyebrow turned into an arch over the eyelids and faced with this new way of wearing them, many women opted to remove their hair completely so that – each morning – a curve was drawn over the eyes. They all spent hours in front of the mirror trying to make that thin line look perfect.

It was then that tattoo artist found a new market, so they put aside arms full of roses, crosses, or hearts to focus on the face of women and conquer with their skill the art of outlining the face. Little by little the 英国纹眉 studios began to fill up with girls of all ages, determined not to waste any more time with an eyeliner.

Let us learn more about 英国纹眉 in the following:

Microblading tattoo:

Microblading is a permanent makeup technique, whose objective is to completely correct or reconstructs an absent or hairless eyebrow, making hairs artistically, creating a hyper-realistic and natural effect.

It lasts approximately 6 months to two years, which will depend on the skin characteristics of the person. As well as their lifestyle, since people who live in hot areas and exercise tend to retain the pigment for less time due to vasodilation of the pore.

伦敦纹眉 is performed by manually depositing pigment into the papillary dermis of the skin using a special pen called an inductor. It is the newest technique in the permanent makeup industry, creating hair-by-hair eyebrow design.

It is a method of rapid healing and much more natural-looking. It can also be used to thicken or darken existing eyebrows giving them a more defined shape.

It is a very simple process to carry out:

The procedure of 英国纹眉 is easy. You should not wear any makeup and the first step is to let the specialist design your eyebrow according to the shape of your face. Then the pigmentation begins, in which the ink is applied line by line along the entire eyebrow.