Side channel blowers ventilate working environments


Fans, rooms, work areas or tanks, containers are ventilated and vented. When equipping these systems, SKVTechnik ( uses axial fans or roof fans or other simple exhaust air fans to supply these areas with fresh air or to cancel exhaust air from heavily used areas.

In work areas where there is a high level of pollution, both work steps, ventilation and also ventilation can be used individually or simultaneously. Exemplary areas of application include paint shops, welding workstations, grinding workstations or the like, in which employees are exposed to severe environmental pollution.
Influencing factors for the load on the working environment are then, for example: oils, dusts or fine dusts or solvents, for example dilution.

Containers or tanks are also aerated or vented in the manner described. The same applies to the entire bio-gas area and the area of fermentation. In all of these areas, it is necessary to extract existing contaminated air or replace it with new, clean air.
Devices that handle a high volume turnover per unit of time are necessary. In practice, only fans can generally be used for this. Side channel blowers produce relatively little volume flow compared to the fans. But they create more pressure. Customers therefore notice that fans are more suitable in this application because they generate more volume than pressure. The reason for this property is the constructive design of these two types of device. SKVTechnik clearly recommends fans for use in ventilation systems.

As an example, SKVTechnik recommends the following fan today:

The small V 5 consumes less than one kW of power at 50 Hertz and conveys a volume of 5 cubic meters per minute. With less than 500EUR purchase price, it is in a very favorable range. Customers can order this device in stock: delivery time one week.

SKVTechnik ( has been an online retailer on the market since 2012. SKVTechnik has extensive experience in the procurement and use of side channel blowers. Hundreds of customers are satisfied with the quality and especially with the prices of the SKV technology. SKVTechnik offers side channel blowers from the Italian and German production. The side channel blowers from SKVTechnik are manufactured exclusively by brand manufacturers and are supplied with a warranty of up to 3 years. Customers are welcome at SKVTechnik as long-term customers.

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