“PM Narendra Modi is the greatest Global Leader and a True Son of India : Strength and Inspires Millions” said USA Ms. Purnima Voria, President National US-India Chamber of Commerce, Denver, USA at IIF Webinar on 12th May, 2020


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 24th IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” by Ms. Purnima Voria, President, National US-India Chamber of Commerce, Denver, USA; National Advisor, United States Secretary of State; Ambassador of Peace, IIWPF, UN Association, USA. The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance (www.iif.edu) and Executive Editor, Finance India (www.financeindia.org). The Webinar was attended by over 69 global participants from USA, France, Japan, Sri Lanka, UAE, Malaysia, India and others.

Ms. Voria said perservence, persistence, optimistic and positivity are the essence of life. Meditation and Yoga are important to stay physically and mentally healthy. One must invest in oneselves to grow in life feels Ms. Voria. By overcoming fear and grabbing opportunity, one can bring positivity in one Life. Best way to predict future is to invest and invent in situation. There should be a focus on happiness and mental health of the people in the economy said Ms. Voria.

According to her, economic growth is going to be slow in many sector but also rapid growth in some sectors at the same time after this pandemic. Being optimistic is a key success mantra, one must build the door of opportunity with positivity and optimism. Women are making marks in all walks of life said Ms. Voria. In order to induce the growth and happiness; government should focus on Mental & Physical health, Education, Reducing corruption and inducing Trust & Transparency in government said Ms. Voria.

USA Ms. Voria boldly said that PM Modi is a great leader and a true son of India. She said that India is in good hands and globally PM Modi is highly appreciated for the efforts undertaken by him for not only fighting Covid 19, but also developing relationship and the true face of India. She said that globally PM Modi is seen as an inspiration by millions and strength for building a sustainable society and human capital. She felt strongly that PM Modi will march India into the next growth trajectory for Humanity and more so for people of India. According to Ms. Voria, the youth should believe in themselves, dream big , work hard, be optimistic to achieve the goal in their life.

Large number of Questions from amongst over 69 participants were asked by Prof. Dr. Junzo Watada (Waseda University, JAPAN & Petronas University, MALAYSIA); Dr. Ravinder Reddy Tanidella (Principal, Hyderbad, INDIA); Prof Dr. Yamini Agarwal (IIF Business School (AKTU), INDIA) and many others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.