It’s nobody’s business what you do online


Say hello to the new Keepod PRV-21 personal security device. Start Keepod’s complete os on any pc or mac, do what you want to do, leave no trace. PRV-21 defends you against tracking and surveillance. You can use the internet anonymously and circumvent censorship. All data is discarded at the end of the session so if your device falls to the wrong hands, it has no data and it can’t be associated to you. Using Keepod on a computer doesn’t alter or depend on the os installed on it. You can use it in the same way on your computer, a friend’s computer, or one at your local library. You won’t leave any trace of the Keepod system itself or what you used it for. Lightweight and powerful it elevates even your old pc to a whole new level of performance to let you do everything faster and more efficiently.
Keepod PRV-21 will be launched may 13th 2020. Shipping starts may 29th. Price is 29 USD and free international shipping.

About Keepod

Keepod develops products with social impact in mind. The company first product, the $7 pc, is used by students in 25 countries around the world. Keepod founders, Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi, received multiple awards and recognition for their work but more important, their vision is surviving the test of time and proving to be the only sustainable solution to disrupt the costs of pc for low income communities.
With its new 2020 line, all Keepod devices are small, ultra portable, with security in mind and flexibility to boot your os on the go. Affordable for everyone and compatible with all your online needs.
Keepod is based in London, UK. The company was founded in 2014.