伦敦纹眉 – How it works?


伦敦纹眉 is a form of tattooing. Unlike a regular tattoo, Microblading is a form of tattoo artistry where pigment implants under your skin with a manual handheld tool.

Ai-beauty.co is a professional and experienced 英国纹眉.

Get in touch with us to know more about our services. If you have no idea about this technique, read on the following post to know more about 英国半永久.

It does not hurt:

We put anesthesia 30 minutes before starting and designing the eyebrow. Unlike tattooed eyebrows, microblading is painless. It should be noted that anesthesia is not a sedative that completely isolates you from any sensation, it is used to relieve discomfort according to the pain threshold of each person.

Lasts about 1 year:

Unlike tattoos, ink is not eternally embedded. The microblading consists of two sessions, after the first you can return 30 to 45 days later and lasts approximately nine months to a year or a year and a half, depending on the type of skin of the client.

This will depend on how you take care of your eyebrows, if you apply makeup and remove it with special products you can lose color or wear it out before the approximate time.

You can do it as many times as you want:

The process can be done as many times as the client wants after the pigment disappears from the previous procedure so as not to saturate the eyebrow with ink and in the end create a paste on the eyebrows.

There are several places where you can perform a microblading:

Most are done in beauty salons or professionals such as ai-beauty.co where a specialist attends you with great care and verifies that there are no risks that alter the procedure.

If you see that hygiene is not very reliable, change places. Similarly, take time to get to know the site on social media, visit it before making an appointment and ask for reports.

Ai-beauty.com is an artist with some years of experience in the field of tattooing. Our staff take special courses to make microblading and ensures that with this technique our clients are much more satisfied than with the old eyebrow tattoo. However, it is a less aggressive, safer, and more personalized procedure.

In addition, aftercare is similarly less complex. Also, we prescribe an antibiotic cream to protect the area, but if someone has allergic or secondary reactions, they should go to the doctor.