Dadidada Foundation’s webinar on legal rights of senior citizens


At the ADR centre of the civil court of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh , District Legal Service Authority and Dadidada Foundation created awareness about senior citizens and their fundamental rights and the duties of the general public towards the senior citizens through a webinar. Secretary Judge of the authority Shrivendra Kumar Mishra said that it is the fundamental duty of every citizen to give respect to their seniors while also protecting their fundamental rights. According to article 41 and 46 of Indian Constitution, all Indian states are accountable to take care of their senior citizens. At present the total senior citizen population in our country is about 18 crores.

In his talk he gave the outline of various legal provisions dealing with the issues of senior citizens. He said that “We should always learn from the experience of the elders and follow their advice.” He also highlighted that “The Hindu Adoption and India Nutrition Act 1956, Article [20] says that if sons are unable to look after their old parents, the Act gives equal right to the daughters to serve their parents”. While addressing several issues he pointed out, according to 2007 Senior Citizen’s Maintenance and Welfare Act, people above 60 will be considered as senior citizens and in case they don’t have their own children, any relative who is enjoying the benefits of their property will be responsible to serve them and make all required arrangements for their essentials.

A senior citizen has full right to reject the transfer of property through the medium of a tribunal if the need is felt. There is provision under this Act that those who are accountable for the maintenance of senior citizens or parents in the family, will be reattributed if their elder is found abandoned or neglected. Under the Penal Code 1973, Article 125 – parents have full right to ask for care and looking after from their adopted or own children as well. This program was moderated by Munishankar , Director of Dadidada Foundation. During the conversation he added that during Covid-19, Dadidada Foundation is running a campaign #SaveDadidada #SaveNaninana over different social media platforms like twitter, Facebook etc.