The Best Place to Get Help for Burns at Your Nearby Urgent Care Clinic


Evidently illnesses, accidents and injuries do not wait for working days and doctor appointments. One of the newest medical facilities is an urgent care clinic in Fayetteville NC. Pura Clinic is the convenient choice for Urgent Care Physician in Fayetteville, NC as it is the best primary care physician in the nearby area. It is a clinic for people that urgently need care.

People having unfortunate accident like burn must receive urgent care. Urgent care center Fayetteville NC Serving the people of Fayetteville, Vander, Stedman, Eastover is the right choice for patients with burn injuries. At Pura Clinic Family Medicine, the experts specialize in the treatment of minor illnesses and injuries for patients of all ages. Patients are seen by the experienced medical staff on a walk-in basis, and are often in and out the door in no time!

Clearly not anyone who has been burned has the spare time to search around for a doctor. Nor do they have the time to wait around in a waiting room. Burns require immediate medical attention and an urgent care clinic at Pura Clinic Family Medicine can take care of them professionally and quickly.

As the trusted Urgent Care In Fayetteville North Carolina, Pura Clinic Family Medicine will ensure that specialists will treat the burn patients. The urgent care clinic can help anyone in this situation.

Without a doubt, the Pura Clinic Family Medicine can treat burn victims with less severity; however, an urgent care clinic cannot offer help to an individual who has suffered burns in the upper degrees through a serious fire. All other burns can be treated at a Pura Clinic Family Medical because of the quick treatment time and a large amount of experience that the doctors at these establishments have.

There are many modes of treatment available to burn victims and these can be worked out through a doctor’s diagnosis of the severity of the burn. The treatment choices of a doctor are many, so the faster you get to Pura Clinic urgent care facility after receiving a burn the better.

About Pura Clinic Family Medicine:

Dr. Shakir has been practicing internal and family medicine for more than 25 years. Although licensed to practice in North Carolina and Virginia, Dr. Shakir has worked in many Family Practice/urgent care clinics in Michigan as well.

Furthermore, his long experience in medicine gives Dr. Shakir a unique perspective in treating patients. He believes in listening, treating, and connecting with patients at a humane level. Due to this belief, and due to popular demand, Pura Clinic Primary and Urgent Care were established. for more information about Pura Clinic and the services please, call us at (910) s829-0143 or visit our website HERE;