Pool cleaning: important precautions to keep the pool always beautiful


A clean swimming pool is synonymous with healthy water and a beautiful look for the outdoor area. Therefore, the pool cleaning routine must be followed to prevent dirt from accumulating and causing inconveniences, such as algae or cloudy water. A dolphin robot pool cleaner is the best option to keep your pool clean easily and effectively.

Some precautions also influence maintenance, such as covering the pool for example. And so that yours is always clean and ready for use, how about some tips to prevent and eliminate water impurities? Let us find out:

1. Install a shower:

The shower in the pool area is not a superfluous item. The shower before the dive helps to keep the pool clean since it eliminates various residues that would end up in the water.

Dust, sweat, pollution, sunscreen, makeup, and moisturizing creams are some residues that are deposited on people’s skin and hair. When they enter the pool without taking a shower, all this is taken into the water and unbalances it.

When the shower before diving is established, as a rule, problems such as oiliness and the formation of dirt crusts on the edges are eliminated. Also, the chances of the formation of chloramines, which cause burning eyes, among other problems, are reduced.

2. Take care of the outside area of the pool:

Another important point to keep the pool clean is to take care of your surroundings. Choose carefully the plants that will be around, so that they do not release many leaves or flowers that may fall into the water.

3. Remove residues suspended in water:

Preferably every day remove residues suspended in water, such as leaves, branches, and insects. This will prevent the reaction with chlorine and also from settling on the bottom. Take extra care in the autumn months and also in times with a higher incidence of winds, as they bring a lot of dirt from outside. You can also use a Hayward pool cleaner to keep your pool clean.

4. Keep the chlorine parameters always regulated:

Chlorine keeps the pool water healthy and also prevents the formation of algae, which leave the water green and settle on the pool wall. It eliminates microorganisms that are potentially hazardous to health and also has the function of inhibiting the proliferation of disease-carrying mosquitoes. We recommend using the Maytronics robotic pool cleaner for your pool.

If you are looking for the easiest way, we recommend using the Hayward Aquavac pool cleaner.