Amazon Pin Hopes on Technology to Move up in Value Chain


Technology can be a big driver for consolidation. Stridently, the trend is becoming a promising trend for companies other than those majoring in technology. A company which is making technology as key accelerator of its growth is Amazon. In fact, it has over the years made technology-particularly artificial technology-as an inextricable part of its growth. Examples abound. Take for instance, the application of computer vision in its Go Stores. The impacts are far-reaching-expanding across several sectors. Further, these include medicine, banking, robotics, agriculture.

Unsurprisingly, the retail stalwart use some for its operations. Jeff Bezos, the co-founder, has hit the nail on its head, and ceaselessly.

E-commerce Player Moves to Fraud Detection

Amazon has ventured into several areas. Its AI capabilities is no more limited to cloud storage and computing solutions. Furthermore, several enterprises has already bet big on these capabilities. The company has now moved a step ahead in the value chain.

The company is keen on muscling its way to fraud detection-a grey area for banks spending huge amounts on it. Amazon is keen on filling that gap as well by offering such services to enterprise consumers. In addition, machine learning has leveraged the explosion of data to fuel growth for several industries.

AWS Offerings Bring Game-Changing Potential in Robotics

Its subsidiary Amazon Web Services, Inc., has launched Fraud Detector service in December 2019, facilitating fraud detection for online activities. Furthermore, the offering has come out to be especially useful for non-technology players. Examples for services that machine learning power for Amazon’s offering abound. A case in point is Code Guru for code improvement and fixing jobs.

Notable areas harnessing the potential of AWS offerings are medical technology, space, and healthcare. But nowhere is it perhaps more prominent than in robotics. Amazon intends to change the game in robotics building—software and simulation tools-for developers. For instance, its collaborative efforts in developing Robot Operating System 2 is laudable. The open source network is immense helpful for developers.

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