Unnatural Links: What They Are And How To Deal With Them


Unnatural links can have a devasting impact upon your site and business. Usually, they are artificial links which have been created in a bid to manipulate and enhance a page’s rankings. Yet, they can instead result in sites getting a Google penalty and seeing their ranking plummet. Here we discuss what unnatural links are, how they can harm your business and what you can do about them.

What Is Considered An Unnatural Link

The main difference between natural and unnatural links comes down to whether or not the links have been created organically. When you’re considering whether or not a link is natural, think about whether it is adding value to your post. If search engine result pages (SERP) rankings weren’t an issue, would you still be inserting the link?

If you find yourself inserting links into your posts in an attempt to enhance your SERP rankings, or trying to forcefully include them in your post, chances are these will be considered unnatural links and should be removed. Any link which has to be artificially generated should be avoided.

Read complete: Unnatural Links: What They Are And How To Deal With Them