Organize your projects and tasks online with Lucianocastro


The definition of project management is closely associated with the specific and punctual activity of each company. Project plan online is also proving to be a powerful way to manage change and transform the business.

These two dimensions of project management produce extremely beneficial effects and are increasingly common in all companies. Project planning is a topic that affects all the trades and departments of a company.

If you are planning to develop project management plan, do not hesitate to get in touch with Lucianocastro. We are experts in project management methodologies.

Let us know about 6 characteristics of a project:

Time management in project management is characterized by the following 6 points:

1. A project aims to achieve a specific objective:

In one way or another, a clear and concrete result is expected. Product management begins by setting a goal: all resources and timelines are deducted from this goal, unlike other company activities that rely on individual and collective skills and experiences to design the company and its products.

2. A project is unique and punctual:

A project begins with an expression of need and ends when the goal is reached. If a project is repeated repeatedly, we are no longer talking about a project, but an activity.

3. A project responds to the expression of a need:

The need is expressed by the “customer”. The marketing project manager must formulate this need in terms that are unambiguously understandable by the team in charge of carrying out the project.

4. A project is subject to uncertainty:

Uncertainty management is a mandatory dimension when planning an unknown future. Uncertainty creates potential risks or opportunities.

5. A project is temporary:

The beginning and end of a project must be known before launch, making it necessary to immediately anticipate and manage risks, problems, and unknowns.

6. A project depends on its environment:

A project cannot be isolated from its environment. Project management must minimize the negative impacts that would slow down or impede the achievement of the objects within the time limits given.

3 challenges to overcome:

In addition to these 6 characteristics, a project is defined by 3 main challenges related to each other simultaneously:

– The time (dates and deadlines)

– Technical specifications (maintain the scope of the project)

– Resources (budget / costs)

If one of these 3 dimensions is modified, the other 2 will be affected at the same time.